Thursday, March 31, 2016

Tyler Perry Speaks Against Religious Freedom Bill

First, let me make something abundantly clear. I do not hate gay people. I just simply cannot support their lifestyle because it goes against the word of God. On the same token, I don’t support fornication, adultery or lying because those actions also go against the word of God. The world has accused the church of constantly targeting homosexuality but that’s partly because they are always asking about it. I have yet to watch a television interview where a pastor or Christian leader was asked how they felt about adultery or if it were a sin. The questions are always about homosexuality.

Governor Deal recently announced he would veto the religious freedom bill that was submitted by legislation to protect Christian leaders, churches and businesses from having to provide  services that goes against their religious beliefs. And while I do not agree with his decision, I can somewhat understand it. To be honest, there are bullies on BOTH sides of the fence. With the law in place, there would be some churches who would take advantage and discriminate against homosexuals. For example, I received an email from a lesbian who said that she wasn’t allowed to attend her dad’s funeral because she wanted to bring her girlfriend along. Without the law in place, the religious community becomes vulnerable to being forced to provide services against their beliefs or be sued. Remember the bakery that was forced out of business?

So where does that leave the rest of us? Stuck in the middle. And while I know that certain things must come to pass so the bible can fulfill itself, I refuse to be a helping hand in satan’s process. The sad part is, the church is partly the blame. You didn’t hear from many pastors while Governor Deal was making his decisions…or at least I didn’t.  And frankly, we won’t hear from many of them. Especially our celebrity Christian leaders because they are “in too deep.” Most of them spoke quietly behind the four walls of their church. They continued to support the same people who had a hand in Governor Deal’s decision.  This wasn’t something that happened overnight. It’s been brewing for years.

Tyler Perry, for instance. God told my husband and I to stop supporting Tyler a long time ago and I am glad we did. A Tyler Perry Studios spokeswoman said, “At Tyler Perry Studios, we believe in inclusion and equality for all people. We do not tolerate bigotry, division and discrimination. We have tremendous confidence in Governor Deal’s leadership and ability to continue to lead our great state forward and urge him to veto this bill.” WE all have supported Tyler down through the years because he was funny and entertaining. We ignored the fact that he has made his money wearing women’s clothing and mocking the bible with his profanity laced repetition of scripture. We ignored the homosexual activity scripted into his TV dramas on OWN. We ignored his having a baby out of wedlock, not marrying the child’s mother while making productions centered around marriage. We ignored his hosting the recent Passion musical in Louisiana only for him to speak out against the religious freedom act calling it anti gay a few days later. We ignored it all because we wanted our ears tickled. We’d rather turn a deaf ear and be entertained. Tyler Perry is among the people who would rather see you sued or in jail rather than protecting your rights as a Christian believer.

Please understand, I will never support the mistreatment of anyone, gay or straight. Gay people are human just like the rest of us. They deserve respect and protection but the same goes for the church. Because Christians are humans too. We deserve respect and protection as well. We have nothing but love for everyone but when it comes to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, we ain't going down without a fight.

Friday, March 25, 2016

The Call to BOYCOTT Marvel Studios, Walt Disney and AMC

This blog post is going to be a hard pill to swallow. Like many of you, we grew up reading, watching and imitating Disney and Marvel characters..Superman, Batman..Spiderman and Mickey Mouse. Our kids grew up watching the Disney Channel and have enjoyed movies produced by Marvel Studios. We were looking forward to seeing the latest  he latest Batman vs Superman movie...UNTIL...we learned of Disney and Marvel's recent threat to the state of Georgia.

As you may or may not know the Religious Liberty Bill is currently pending before Governor Nathan Deal. Georgia legislators recently passed the bill. It protects religious officials from having to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies, and would allow faith-based organizations to deny services or employment to those who violate their “sincerely held religious belief.” The legislation has received opposition from business groups in the state, who fear it will trigger the kind of backlash that forced Indiana to reconsider its religious liberty legislation that passed last summer. While the LGBT community disagrees, this bill is not about discrimination. It's about protecting our religious leaders and churches from being forcefully placed in the position of having to go against the word of God.

The Walt Disney Co. and Marvel Studios voiced their opposition to the Georgia religious liberty bill pending before Gov. Nathan Deal, saying that they will take their business elsewhere “should any legislation allowing discriminatory practices be signed into state law.”Human Rights Campaign president Chad Griffin urged studios and production companies to refuse to commit to any further productions in Georgia if Deal does not veto the legislation.

So bottom line, they have made it about money. According to the state’s Dept. of Economic Development, $1.7 billion was spent on production in fiscal 2015. These production companies are basically blackmailing the state of Georgia by saying (in laymen's terms) that if they choose to protect the rights of our religious leaders and  churches, they are going to hit them where it hurts. THE POCKETS! The love of money is truly the root of all evil.

Governor Deal released a statement before the current bill was passed saying that he would not sign legislation he thought could be used to discriminate. And if that wasn't enough, AMC Networks, which makes “The Walking Dead” in Georgia, recently joined in by issuing a statement opposing the legislation.“As a company, AMC Networks believes that discrimination of any kind is reprehensible,” a company spokesman said. “We applaud Governor Deal’s leadership in resisting a previous version of this divisive legislation and urge him to reject the current version as well.” Viacom,  the world's sixth largest broadcasting and cable company in terms of revenue, later weighed in by issuing the following statement “Viacom is proud to champion diversity and acceptance, which are core values of our company. We have enjoyed doing business in Georgia for many years and we urge Governor Deal to continue to resist and reject the patently discriminatory laws being proposed.”

My question to you is...are you willing to hit THEM where it hurts by boycotting their movies, their theme parks and their television shows in support of religious freedom? Are you willing to put your flesh aside and stand for righteousness? Are you willing to turn the channel in support of your pastor's rights, the rights of your church and the rights of your family? Are you willing to stand for Christ?

We  encourage you to stand with us as we BOYCOTT all movies, tv shows, theme parks and affiliated with these companies until they acknowledge our rights as a body of Christ.Yes, it's a hard pill to swallow but if we don't stand for God, we will fall at the hands of satan.  STAND! 

In Christ,
First Lady Bridgett Mack
