Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Missouri Transgender Boy Allowed to Use Girl's Locker Despite Student Protest

This is why “church folk” who made the ignorant comment to just let “them be them and us be us” when the laws first changed about homosexuals and transgenders should go and sit down somewhere. As a matter of fact, put anyone who makes biblically uneducated comments in time out with the other children who don’t have a clue as to what they are talking about.

According to CNN News, bathroom access for a transgender teen has divided a town in Missouri. A 17 year old BOY who goes by the name of Lila Perry has caused quite a stir when HE insisted that HE be allowed to use the girl’s locker room despite the fact that HE was already provided with a gender neutral bathroom. The Missouri transgender teen Lila Perry says HE began to feel like a girl when HE was 13 and started appearing as one in school this year when classes began in August. Many of the teenage girls at Hillsboro High School stated they felt uncomfortable with using the same locker room as the BOY especially since the BOY still has his PENIS. Yep, that’s what I said P-E-N-I-S…PENIS! 

In protest of the Missouri School District’s decision to allow the BOY use of the girl’s locker room, over 150 students staged a walkout in protest.  Three board members have resigned in wake of this decision. One of these prior Board members, Bo Harrison, told the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, “Would I stand by and let somebody hurt him? No. But I won't stand by and let him make a donkey out of that school and be in there with a bunch of young girls. That's as asinine as it could get." He went on to explain, "Some said we could lose tax money if they didn't give this kid a bathroom and all of that.”

A petition is now circulating in the protest of this ridiculous decision and I encourage you to sign as did we. It’s time to DO SOMETHING. Too many people are “praying” about the problems without any actions to follow suit. Remember people, Faith without works is dead. Our children and grandchildren and maybe even our great grandchildren…(if God hasn’t returned already) have to grow up in this world. We must protect their futures as well. Stop letting satan make punks out of us. BE BRAVE. BE BOLD. BE COURAGEOUS and DO SOMETHING!

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