Friday, January 11, 2013

God Smells You

During our morning devotion, my children and I discussed the story of Cain and Abel. As you all know, Cain became jealous of Abel after God accepted Abel's offering but not his. I continued to explain to my children that because Cain did not give from the heart, his offering was not accepted. Simply put, God turned his face from Cain's offering because it smelled bad.
Put Yourself in God's Shoes
Have you ever been talking to someone whose breath stank horribly? While they were speaking, you probably held your breath, look to the side, made an excuse to leave or even prayed to God for them to please stop talking. You were no longer interested in what they had to to say. God is the same way.

When a baby is born, it smells sweet, soft and innocent. As the baby grows older and begins to change, so does its body odor. II Corinthians 2:15 (NLT) says, "For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are saved and those who are perishing." When we are babes in Christ, we smell sweet but then we grow. It's important to maintain a sweet smell in the nostrils of God by consistently studying and obeying his word and maintaining a healthy prayer life. By doing this, we keep ourselves clean spiritually and in God's constant favor.

I was once told by someone that God accepts all praise no matter who it is from. At the time, we were talking about the BET awards and what seemed to be hypocrisy whenever an artist known for music and videos filled with profanity and promiscuity would thank God for blessing them with the win. As I'm sure you have already guessed, I STRONGLY disagreed  with this person. Yes,it is God's grace and mercy that keeps us all. And yes, I do believe God hears a sinner's prayers. HOWEVER, God does not condone nor grant prayer requests for anything that will fuel a life of sin.

Put Yourself in God's Shoes
How would you feel if one of your children grew up to live a life that displayed total disregard to the principles you imparted while raising them? How would you feel if they turned around and thanked you before millions of people, as if you condoned all of the wrong they had done?

Honestly, if my kids did that.....I would go off. My words would be "The devil is a lie! Sit yo tail down somewhere.You know I raised you better than that!" AND I would do it right there on nationally TV. Don't think I would? You'd better ask somebody. "I'm Bama Ole School God Don't Need No Matches" all the way baby.

.....ehem...excuse me...Bring it in Bridgett..

God not only sees sins but he can smell it. God can smell a rotting heart, evil thoughts, deception and manipulation. He can't be fooled. No matter how good it looks or sounds on the outside, God smells what's going on on the inside. So as I preach to my kids AND myself, I encourage you to always remember to give God the best and purest of you in everything that you do remember, God smells you.

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